Samsung has today launched there latest flagship The Galaxy S3 in Indian Markets today in an event in New Delhi The device was launched by Rockstar fame Nargis Fakhri, starting Today the device will be available in retails and online stores across India.
The device is a successor to the highly popular Galaxy S2 which started reciving the Android 4.0 ICS update yesterday
The key features of the phone are
The device is a successor to the highly popular Galaxy S2 which started reciving the Android 4.0 ICS update yesterday
The key features of the phone are
- Android 4.0.4 ICS
- 1.4 Ghz Exynos Quad Core Processor
- 4.8 Inch Super AMOLED Display
- Bluetooth 4.0
- 1 GB RAM
- 8 MP Camera with zero-lag shutter speed
- 1.9 MP front facing Camera
- Smart features like S voice Smart stay etc.