Adobe has today announced that it will remove the Flash Player application for Andorid from the Google Play Store
Earlier this year they have announced that they will stop developing for Androiod and due to this Android 4.1 Ships without Flash support as we can see with the new Nexus 7 Tablet
Adobe is also urging users to remove Flash Player before upgrading to Android 4.1 as it will not work properly moreover If you do not have Flash installed on your device you will stop seeing the Download option after August 15 however if you have Flash on you Android device then you will get support and minor bug fixes after 15 August too
Earlier this year they have announced that they will stop developing for Androiod and due to this Android 4.1 Ships without Flash support as we can see with the new Nexus 7 Tablet
Adobe is also urging users to remove Flash Player before upgrading to Android 4.1 as it will not work properly moreover If you do not have Flash installed on your device you will stop seeing the Download option after August 15 however if you have Flash on you Android device then you will get support and minor bug fixes after 15 August too